They are a great source of energy because they contain important levels of fast-absorbing carbohydrates, including fructose.
They have an important level of vitamins E, A, B1, B2, which help to reduce cardiovascular risk.
They are high in potassium and with low levels of sodium, which help to improve the circulatory system by regulating blood pressure. Therefore, it is a beneficial food for people who suffer from hypertension, help regulate body fluids and can even help prevent rheumatic diseases or arthritis.
Color: Dark amber variable to dark brown with a lighter amber meat.
Organoleptic: sweet and slightly fruity flavor, with a touch of caramel and not fermented, burnt, smoked or without added flavors
CONTAINER: Bulk, polypropylene bags
Peso: 40 KN / Gross Shipping Weight: 40.25 KB/ Label
Storage temperatures 12-24ยบ C and a relative humidity of 60%.
18 months of useful life in proper storage condition.
Humidity: 16-21% humidity
Well: All plum contains pits
Defects: 15% as a max weight
Max 3% of rotten
Max 1% by weight with decay
Maximum 1% by weight of tree litter (leaves, little branches, etc.)
No growth of mold, fermentation or live infestation
Size: 90/100, count per pound, no more than 10% out of range
PH: 3,5 - 4,2
Titratable acidity: 1,1 - 2,0 as malic acid, p / p
Additives: None
Preservatives: None